How to cancel SIN due to death

How to report a death to Service Canada to deactivate the SIN

When someone passes away in a Canadian province, the provincial vital statistics agency automatically notifies the SIN Program, therefore you do not have to do so.

If the death occurs in a territory or outside Canada, you must inform the SIN Program.

To report a death, make sure to provide the deceased’s SIN and proof of death. This may include a statement of death from the funeral director or a copy of the death certificate.

You may submit the documents by mail or in person to a Service Canada Centre.

Informing the SIN Program of the death reduces the risk of someone else using the SIN fraudulently. You can still use the SIN for estate purposes.

How to cancel SIN due to death

How to notify other federal programs and/or departments of a death

To obtain the information, please visit website Notify the federal government of a death.

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